unit Hexstr; interface uses String16, SysUtils; Type PByte = ^BYTE; procedure BytesToHexStr(var hHexStr: String; pbyteArray: PByte; InputLength: WORD); procedure HexStrToBytes(hHexStr: String; pbyteArray: Pointer); procedure HexBytesToChar(var Response: String; hexbytes: PChar; InputLength: WORD); implementation procedure BytesToHexStr(var hHexStr: String; pbyteArray: PByte; InputLength: WORD); Const HexChars : Array[0..15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var i, j: WORD; begin SetLength(hHexStr, (InputLength * 2)); FillChar(hHexStr, sizeof(hHexStr), #0); j := 1; for i := 1 to InputLength do begin hHexStr[j] := Char(HexChars[pbyteArray^ shr 4]); inc(j); hHexStr[j] := Char(HexChars[pbyteArray^ and 15]); inc(j); inc(pbyteArray); end; end; procedure HexBytesToChar(var Response: String; hexbytes: PChar; InputLength: WORD); var i: WORD; c: byte; begin SetLength(Response, InputLength); FillChar(Response, SizeOf(Response), #0); for i := 0 to (InputLength - 1) do begin c := BYTE(hexbytes[i]) And BYTE($f); if c > 9 then Inc(c, $37) else Inc(c, $30); Response[i + 1] := char(c); end;{for} end; procedure HexStrToBytes(hHexStr: String; pbyteArray: Pointer); {pbyteArray указывает на область памяти, хранящей результаты} var i, j: WORD; tempPtr: PChar; twoDigits : String[2]; begin tempPtr := pbyteArray; j := 1; for i := 1 to (Length(hHexStr) DIV 2) do begin twoDigits := Copy(hHexStr, j, 2); Inc(j, 2); PByte(tempPtr)^ := StrToInt('$' + twoDigits); Inc(tempPtr); end;{for} end; end. |
UNIT String16. interface {$IFNDEF Win32} procedure SetLength(var S: string; Len: Integer); procedure SetString(var Dst: string; Src: PChar; Len: Integer); {$ENDIF} implementation {$IFNDEF Win32} procedure SetLength(var S: string; Len: Integer); begin if Len > 255 then S[0] := Chr(255) else S[0] := Chr(Len) end; procedure SetString(var Dst: string; Src: PChar; Len: Integer); begin if Len > 255 then Move(Src^, Dst[1], 255) else Move(Src^, Dst[1], Len); SetLength(Dst, Len); end; {$ENDIF} end. |